Friday 16 December 2011

new blog 16/12/2011

Alex from Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson, becomes friends with officer Brady.
Alex goes on car rides to find the suspect of the murder.
Alex knows that they are looking for the murdere and Alex knows that he is the murder.

I think that this isnt what an ordinary person would do. For example: An ordinary person wouldent go on a Police investigation with a cop tring to find the murderer of the murder.

Or an ordinary person wouldent talk to a cop with such a friendly way.
Its wierd how a sixteen year old boy is so good at playing it cool with a cop.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Best Connection of This Week.

In the book "Paranoid Park" by Blake Nelson it says that his parents were getting a divorce and so he was kind of miserable.
He didn't know if he could trust his mom or dad (mixed emotions). Alex was staying at his moms house and he was OK with it.
I connect this to Kurt Cobain. Kurt Cobain's parents got a divorce and he was miserable too.
Kurt Cobain stayed with his dad, and he liked it too.
Until his dad got married again and then Kurt had a depreciation.    


The Theme of the book "Paranoid Park" by Blake Nelson is very dramatic.
Alex passes through some really tough things in his life for example:
Divorce of his parents,
Mixed Emotions,
and many lies.
Its hard being a teenager and passing through such hard events all in one time.

Saturday 12 November 2011

connection 11/11/11

A connection between the book "The old man and the sea" by Ernest Hemingway and myself.
In the book the old man caught a huge fish, it was beautiful and perfect, according to the old man, "it was the biggest fish that anyone ever saw".
He caught the fish just by sitting in his small boat with a thin fish line and a small hook. Even though he had a lot of fishing experience, it was also a matter of pure luck and being at the right time at the right place. It wasn't about having the latest technology fishing equipment, ie fishing rods and electric nets, nor fancy boats and all...

I connect this with a similar lucky fishing experience I had a few summers back. I was on a sailing journey with my father around the Greek islands. We had stopped at an island that was really small and secluded, Agathonissi, in the Aegean Sea. I had with me a fishing net and some leftover bread. There were hundreds of fish swimming in the tiny harbor around our yacht when we arrived. I sat at the stern of the boat, and threw in the water some bread. After two hours i had caught with my small rod over 72 fish!! I wasn't expecting such a catch at all!!.
Just like the old man wasn't expecting to get such a big catch either.

Perhaps luck has a lot to do with fishing.... and as I said before being at the right tome at the right place. For the old man had been fishing for years and had in the past not been able to catch any fish due to what the villagers had believed was "bad luck", but then all of a sudden he got lucky, well his boat had drifted off far far in the deep, and my dad  and I had drifted towards the most isolated island far off the Aegean.

Saturday 22 October 2011

connection 21/10/2011

A connection between Kurt Cobain and the singer of Korn, Jonathan Davis

A small list of similarities:

1.Both had a difficult childhood.
2.Both came from poor families.
3.Both their moms left when they were young.
4.Both of them were getting "high" by the age of 13 years old.
5.Both of them were getting drunk by the age of 13 years old too.
6. Both never had any attention from their fathers
7. Both were getting bullied in school, called really horrible names that this affected the rest of their lives. Their lyrics in some of their songs are personal biographies of my list above.

This is some lyrics By Korn "Did My Time" 

Sometimes I can never tell
If I got something after me
That's why I just beg and plead
For this curse to leave me

Tell me, why am I to blame?
Aren't we supposed to be the same?
That's why I will never tame
This thing thats burning in me

I am the one who chose my path
I am the one who couldn't last
I feel the life pulled from me
I feel the anger changing me

and these are some lyrics by Kurt Cobain "Lithium"

I'm so lonely. And that's ok.
I shaved my head. And I'm not sad, and just maybe
I'm to blame for all I've heard. And I'm not sure.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet you there.
And I don't care. 

Saturday 24 September 2011

another connection

A connection between the book Holes and the film Jackass:
In the book Holes, Standley runs away to the desert with no water or food, he is risking his physical capabilities and its a stupid thing to do.
That is exactly what people in Jackass would do, they risk their physical capabilities. Throughout the serials (and the films), Jackass protagonists do stupid things knowing that the human body is not made for such extreme risks.
Example: A guy from Jackass runs an a really thin piece of wood wearing nothing but some underwear, at his left and on his right there is fire, the objective is to run without falling, on top of that there are people throwing balls at him. Eventually he falls into the fire with 3rd degree burns. THAT IS JUST STUPID.

Standley in the book Holes as mentioned above similarly when he ran into the desert nearly died of dehydration (luckily here as it was fiction, he finds an oasis and gets rescued). In reality, the probability of finding an oasis is super rare, and he would have also most probably ended in hospital.